Friday, February 20, 2009

REALTOR® Safety Awareness

Daytona Beach Area Real Estate Market, Data and Updates. By Lisa Hill, "THE SMART CHOICE!"

houseI was recently reminded of an incident that happened to a REALTOR® friend of mine, a few years ago. This incident was the type of horror story we all fear.

My friend received a call from a potential buyer who had to catch a flight out of town later that morning and he needed to leave by 9:00 a.m. He was anxious to see a model in a development my REALTOR® friend was representing and the only time he was available was early in the morning. So my friend scheduled an appointment to meet this potential buyer at one of the models at 7:30 a.m.

When she arrived at the model, the buyer was waiting and they proceeded to go inside the house. A few minutes later, another vehicle arrived with a couple in it. The potential buyer told my REALTOR® friend that these were friends of his and they all proceeded to view the house.

Then they got to the master bedroom. At this point, the original potential buyer pulled a gun out of a briefcase, then used garbage bag ties on my REALTOR® friend, and put her in the closet of the master bedroom. Now while my friend was in the closet, she could hear the 3 people rummaging through the house and talking on what sounded like walkie talkies, but she couldn't understand what they were saying, nor could she understand what they wanted in a model home.

Meanwhile, she could see into the master bathroom from her position in the bedroom closet, through the space where the criminals had left the door open a crack. She kept an eye on the mirror in the master bathroom, which was reflecting the criminal's positions outside the master bedroom. She managed to get the ties off her feet, then summoned her courage and ran out the back sliding glass doors to a neighbors house and called the police. gun

The criminals left before the police arrived and they never could figure out what the overall plan was, but it was obvious that these criminals were professionals and there were others close by.

I titled this post that buyers needed to read this too, for an important reason. If you're a real estate buyer, you need to understand why your REALTOR® expects you to do things a certain way. For our safety we need you, as a real estate buyer to...

  1. Meet us at our office, not at the house you want to see.
  2. Take time to sit down with us to give us all time to get comfortable with each other, as well as to help us understand your real estate preferences.
  3. Let us make a copy of your driver's license and leave copies with our office personnel.
  4. Stick to a schedule, so we can leave a definitive itinerary with our office personnel.
  5. Completely fill in all the fields on the forms at an open house. You may think looking at open houses is a fun afternoon outing, but we honestly need to be sensitive to the safety of the seller's possessions, and our lives.

Real estate buyers, we understand that you're anxious to start looking at the houses or condos you want to see. But I'm sure you'll agree with me that the safety of the agent is of utmost importance, and you can probably wait just one more hour. Please be understanding of this and cooperate with any requests your agent may make. The story I've just told had a happy ending, as this agent was able to return safely home to her family and continue a successful career, albeit more than a little bit reluctant to return to work. But there have been many others who were not so lucky. Just read Elizabeth Nieves' recent post about Sarah Anne Walker; a REALTOR® who was brutally murdered while holding open a model home in 2006.

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