Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Being Sensitive to your client’s needs: A REALTORS® Perspective

cat in drawerMany years ago, when I first started selling houses, I was working with a lady who told me she was deathly afraid of cats. Since one of the houses we were going to see was my own listing, I knew the owner had cats. So I told my buyer that I would go inside first and check to see if they were inside or not. (They had a kitty door.)So I went in and looked around and didn’t see either of the cats, anywhere. I even looked under the beds, in the closets and on top of the refrigerator. I covered the entire house… No cats.

I then opened the front door and told the buyer that the cats must be outside because I didn’t see either one of them anywhere in the house, and the buyer apprehensively came inside. She started going from room to room and was slowly relaxing. cat on couch

She then entered the master bedroom ahead of me and 2 seconds later came running past me and ran straight out the front door and refused to come back in. I was standing there looking perplexed until I spotted, calm as can be, one of the cats, sitting on the master bathroom counter, contentedly licking his paw. *sigh*

Click here to read the rest of this real estate post.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Real Estate is Great in 2008!

Adams Cameron and Company Realtorsbuy house for sale in Port Orange Florida

Read this entire post at Real Estate is Great in 2008!

On January 2, I received a call from one of my real estate sellers, who has a house for sale in Port Orange. He was just wishing me a happy new year (don't you just love nice sellers?) and letting me know they may be reducing the price in a couple of weeks. I'll keep you posted on that one!

And today I got a call from a client who I sold an ocean front house in Ponce Inlet several years ago. He had received the Christmas card I had sent, so he too, was just wishing me a happy new year and touching base. He was also letting me know that he had filed the company info of my 2007 brokerage change in his Ponce Inlet jettycontact manager for whenever they're ready to sell in the future.

I'm hoping these are all signs of many more good things to come in 2008. I've worked with some really great clients over the years (obviously) and hopefully, this year I'll work with many more.

Florida swamp

Make a Smart Choice today and call Lisa Hill for all your real estate needs!

Subscribe to this blog, or check back frequently so you don't miss the next installment of my series on Florida's Vanishing Wetlands.

AND more importantly, I'll be blogging an annual update for EVERY city in East Volusia County over the next 2 weeks. Stay tuned!

(All photos taken and copyrighted by Lisa Hill)

Lisa Hill real estate agent

Lisa Hill

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

REALTOR Safety Awareness-Real Estate Buyers, You Should Read This Too!

I was recently reminded of an incident that happened to a REALTOR® friend of mine, a few years ago. This incident was the type of horror story we all fear.

My friend received a call from a potential buyer who had to catch a flight out of town later that morning and he needed to leave by 9:00 a.m. He was anxious to see a model in a development my REALTOR® friend was representing and the only time he was available was early in the morning. So my friend scheduled an appointment to meet this potential buyer at one of the models at 7:30 a.m.

When she arrived at the model, the buyer was waiting and they proceeded to go inside the house. A few minutes later, another vehicle arrived with a couple in it. The potential buyer told my REALTOR® friend that these were friends of his and they all proceeded to view the house.

Then they got to the master bedroom. At this point, the original potential buyer pulled a gun out of a briefcase, then used garbage bag ties on my REALTOR® friend, and put her in the closet of the master bedroom.

Read the rest of this post about REALTOR® Safety Awareness-Real Estate Buyers, You Should Read This Too!